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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Small "p" Published... Thank you "Best Health" Magazine!

I say small "p" published because it's a tiny little blurb, about two paragraphs or so, plus a picture of me printed in the "Your Best Advice" section of the March/April 2011 issue of Best Health Magazine.  But still, my words, in actual print, in a media that people pay money for!  Well, no, I didn't get paid, but still!  My words, in print!

You see, this is not one of my every day occurrences, and thus this small dabble in the world of printed word has turned me into a bit of a geek.  And now that I'm "blogging" about the experience, I suppose that would make me a mega-geek.

I had been contacted weeks ago by the magazine editor about this random tip I submitted through their website, which just tickled me pink, but for some reason, after a few email exchanges, I just assumed they had decided not to print the tip.  Then, out of the blue, a family friend sent my sister Kelly an email about seeing my tip and picture in her copy of the magazine, so of course I did what anyone else in the same situation would have done...  I went out and bought copies for me, my mom, and both of my sisters.  :)

Best Health Magazine prints tips from readers from all over Canada in every issue, so head to their website, and share your best advice.  Who knows?  Maybe you'll also be small "p" published someday!


  1. It's always exciting to see your own words in print - published is published, small "p" or not! Congrats! :)

  2. Keep the blogs coming. I love them

  3. Corinne, that is so cool! :)

